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pyWebCash is a web-based personal finance management program.




The back-end is written in python, exposing an API over HTTP. There is an html/javascript front-end for viewing and editing transactions. Loading transactions is done client-side (interactively or scripted) by python with selenium.

The database is an AES-encrypted cPickle file. It's encrypted with the user's password, so don't lose it! Check images, and HTTP session files (which contain the database password) are stored encrypted as well. This requires the database to be entirely re-loaded for each HTTP request, but I've found it easily fast enough for unloaded servers to handle.




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Setup the web/ directory to be web viewable. Alias /myfinances/ /my/installdir/web Make sure .py files are run as cgi scripts. The provided .htaccess will do this if permissions allow. Update (on backend and scraper) to point to this url.

Edit/create the database, image, session directories specified in, make them writable by the http user (www-data?) If not using SSL, edit to remove the secure cookies setting.

Create a cron file to clean dead session files and reminde you to re-scrape:

*/5 * * * * root find /my/installdir/session/ -type f -mmin +20 -exec rm \{} \;
0 6 * * * www-data /my/srcdir/db/

Scraper (client)

This has been tested on a Mac, but should also work on Linux. By default it uses Chrome, which requires the chrome webdriver binary in the path. It can be easily edited to use other browsers.

I couldn't find a better way to re-enable SSL certificate warnings in Chrome beyond binary patching chromedriver:

sed -i -e 's/ignore-certificate-errors/nogood-certificate-errors/' /usr/local/bin/chromedriver


Create a new user from the web interface (do not forget that password, without it, all data is lost). Add all applicable accounts (password is optional if the scraper is run interactively).

Run ./ in the client directory. Enter login username and password, and it will get a list of accounts to check. If the account's password was not set in the account settings, it will interactively ask for it before checking that account.