/dev/sda1 /mnt/phatsys vfat noauto,owner,user 0 0 /dev/sda5 /mnt/phatdata vfat noauto,owner,user 0 0After that's working you can use the following scripts to administer the playlists:
pls2phat -f (pls or m3u file) -n (playlist name) -p (playlist number)
This will turn your pls or m3u file into a PhatBox playlist. The
playlist number should be 1 less than you'd expected to be on the head
unit. Disc 1 is playlist 0. Use -o to overwrite a list, -a to append to
a list.
impdir (directory)
For each file in (directory) it will prompt which playlist to append
to, then MOVE it to the cartridge.
No arguments - will check for duplicate or missing files in playlists.
Will execute any pX.sh file to create a dynamic playlist. Will update
num_tracks in each .pbx file (if this isn't updated, new tracks won't show
up!). This also updates num_discs in Profiles.ini, and writes out the
num_tracks.db files. I run this right before ejecting the cartridge, just
before plsign. It calls fixdiscs.pl
and write_num_tracks (C source),
which I couldn't write in bash.
No arguments - will update the modification= flag in
/mnt/phatsys/phatbox.ini. This is called by some of the other scripts.
No arguments. You need to get the signing utility (seems to be down)
from PhatNoise, rename it to plsign, and put it in your path. Run this
before ejecting and it will update the playlist signatures.
No arguments. This will build the tracks.db, artist.db, and genre.db
files needed for an SSA head unit (BMW,Audi,etc...). This uses id3tool
and mp3header which can be found on freshmeat. To get the track numbers
from id3tool, I applied this diff.
No arguments. This needs AT&T
Natural Voices, or text2wave from the Festival/mbrola program if AT&T
is not found. This generates the voice prompt files used by an SSA head
unit. The AT&T voice sounds very good, better than the default voices the
PhatNoise Windows program uses (which also uses AT&T if found - retail
versions now ship with AT&T), but costs money. text2wave is free.
Optional arguments: the basepath of your PHTDTA partition, and the
profile to use. This will create the "index" files for the various
browsing modes, greatly increasing performance in the car. Read through
the file for information about the program and the specification of the
index files. It should then compile on any ANSI-C system with 32-bit
ints. If you don't use this, you should delete tracks.idx from the PHTDTA
root directory.
Be sure to unmount the cartridge before pulling it out! Also, go ahead and look through the programs before you run them. Send me bugs, bug fixes, and questions.